Saturday, November 08, 2003
My first post...I don't quite know what to say...I guess this will be one of my ways of expressing my thoughts and feelings...and i'll love it, i think, because You, who are reading it, will be unknown to me, faceless, formless, hidden behind an electronic and virtual mask...I won't know who you are, but you'll know everything about me, reading my innermost thoughts and desires. This veil of concealment, secrecy and mystery is one of the things that can keep me going...
Anyway, juz come back frm camp after one long week of duties. Only booked out on Wed for a few hours...Haiz. Keep telling myself tt i cannot feel so sorry for myself animore. is suppposedly good...i just deleted a klez virus/worm in my compz (thankx Swee Shoon! You're a great guy!) and can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Anyways, still thinking of how to spend my weekend (it was well deserved, i think). C ya l8R! -:=)