Monday, September 12, 2005
Is happy is happy!
First and foremost, yesterday I managed to finish my math tutorials! Both!! Before 7pm!! Wahaha. What a pleasant surprise.
And then today the tuts went without a hitch. So it was a pleasant day.
Your day doesn't have to be very exciting to be nice.
And then... today someone beat me at my very best language:
[ ++ Serene =) (twinkle twinkle little star) ++] says:
when pl ask u smth, u wan to admit but to shy to admit, so u smile. So smile equals to admit...
[ ++ Serene =) (twinkle twinkle little star) ++] says:
~~Gilby~~(",)...Mon-KEEEE-ey says:
i take it as true lor
[ ++ Serene =) (twinkle twinkle little star) ++] says:
then smile = equal
[ ++ Serene =) (twinkle twinkle little star) ++] says:
u agree de..
[ ++ Serene =) (twinkle twinkle little star) ++] says:
[ ++ Serene =) (twinkle twinkle little star) ++] says:
~~Gilby~~(",)...Mon-KEEEE-ey says:
~~Gilby~~(",)...Mon-KEEEE-ey says:
is that going to affect me or smth?
[ ++ Serene =) (twinkle twinkle little star) ++] says:
~~Gilby~~(",)...Mon-KEEEE-ey says:
lol what is it that u didnt want to admit
[ ++ Serene =) (twinkle twinkle little star) ++] says:
[ ++ Serene =) (twinkle twinkle little star) ++] says:
(",) = equals
and then I was speechless. Haha.
Oops I better not get too high. Once the adrenaline wears off I'm gonna drop like a ton of bricks.
Argh. I'm getting more and more tired by the day. Luckily mid-term break is nearly here... with one math test in the way before it starts...
Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love. - Albert Einstein