Its 0034, and I'm listening (again) to Suteki Da Ne. A beautiful beautiful song. So ok, we had lunch today (when i say today i actually mean yesterday in context). More specifically I had lunch and she talked.
I thought long, deep, and hard.
Is utopia ever possible with mankind? When will people learn to set aside their differences, set aside their hatred, and learn to view the world with a big heart?
Just for the record, there is only one person in this world that I absolutely hate. Hate to the core. Maybe 5, 10 years later I'll still hate that person, maybe not. But the fact is hate exists. I am not perfect.
And there are some who are so blinded by circumstance, (false) faith, (false) belief, and power, that they simply cannot see ten metres in front of themselves.
What happened to bringing more love into this world; making it a better place? -timetraveller